Expression of Commitment

Holy Cross Regional Secondary's community is deeply saddened by news of the discovery of the remains of 215 children on the lands of the Kamloops Residential School.

Holy Cross is committed to Truth and Reconciliation This week we honoured these children by wearing orange all week to remember that every child matters. We are also asking those in our community, who are able, to financially support the Indian Residential School Survivors Society. We feel this action can help fund ongoing healing and education.

We have set up a donation link on Holy Cross' online payment system for donations of any amount. We will forward a lump sum donation from Holy Cross to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society. We will collect donations at Holy Cross (online) up until Friday June 11, 2021. Please see Holy Cross' online payment link below:

Holy Cross Online Payment Option

If you would prefer to donate to the organization directly:
or cheques can be mailed to:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
413 West Esplanade Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 1A6

In the words of Archbishop Miller “If words of apology for such unspeakable deeds are to bring life and healing, they must be accompanied by tangible actions that foster the full disclosure of the truth. Truth comes before reconciliation.”

Letter from Archbishop Miller
Letter from Superintendent
Interview with the Archbishop on “The Current” on CBC June 8

Holy Cross Regional Secondary will endeavour to continue to educate our community on this issue.


Grade 8 Meet The Teacher


Assessment Schedule June 2021