English Studies 12
English 12 is a course that is required for all students. It builds on and refines skills previously gained in other English Language Arts classes. The main focus is on novel study and literary response writing, but other genres of literature will be introduced to provide students the opportunity to explore thematic learning. The course is designed to help students to improve their critical thinking skills and to expand their world view as well as to prepare them for the next level of school.
In Composition 11, you will work through the writing process to refine, clarify and improve your writing skills. A focus will be on the 6 traits of writing and you will be examining many different mentor writing styles. There are opportunities to practice narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository writing and source evaluation and effective use of evidence is also a focus in this course. You will also learn and become proficient in two citation styles: MLA and Chicago style. In Composition 11, you will develop confidence and ability in a variety of creative, informative and real world situations.
Creative Writing 10 + 11
Creative Writing 10 is ideal for students who like to creatively express themselves through language. We do story writing, slam poetry, poetry, graphic stories, and multimodal creative forms that combine written, visual, and oral texts. Creative Writing 11 provides a great opportunity for students who are interested in developing confidence and refining their writing skills through self expression for creative purposes. The students will be given opportunities to explore personal and cultural identities, memories and stories in a range of genres. They will work collaboratively through the writing process to strengthen their writing skills. Short fiction, non fiction, poetry and blogs will be the avenues of reflection and expression.
Literary Studies 10
In Literary Studies 10, we develop higher-level thinking and learning skills. We read short stories, novels, and poetry, and discuss the various themes and ideas that are relevant to today's world that are represented in texts such as such as Shakespeare and First Nations voices. We aim to increase our literacy skills through close readings of texts to enhance our development of the English Language Arts curricular competencies, and broaden our understanding of ourselves and the world.
The Great Gatsby
The Hunger Games
Lord of the Flies
Composition 10
In Composition 10, students explore and sample different types of writing, including: narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing. You will have an opportunity to work on the planning, drafting, and editing processes. You will also learn how to cite sources, consider the credibility of evidence, and evaluate the quality and reliability of sources. We develop our written communication skills as we work to explore and create coherent, purposeful compositions. We have opportunities to study, create, and write original pieces, exploring audience and purpose, while developing our craft through processes of drafting, reflecting and revising.
New Media 10
This is a program designed to reflect the changing role of technology in today’s society and the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. This course is intended to allow students and educator’s the flexibility to develop a program of study centred on students’ interests, needs, and abilities, while at the same time allowing for a range of delivery methods. New Media 10 recognizes that digital literacy is an essential characteristic of the educated citizen. Course work is aimed at providing students with a set of skills vital for success in an increasingly complex digital world by affording opportunities to demonstrate understanding and communicate ideas through a variety of digital and print media.
Mr. Samec
English Department Head
English & Creating Writing 12
Mrs. Tobin Careen
Literature 12
Mrs. Johnston
Composition 11
Learning Commons
Ms. Samus
Literature & Composition 10
Mr. Wallsmith
Literature & Creative Writing 10
Creative Writing 12
Mrs. DeSantis
New Media 10
Mrs. Bonderud
English 8
English 9
Mr. Park
English 9
Mr. Gloanec
English 8
Mr. Dadson
English 8